
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

5 min/km

The third time I was out and ran. This time I ran about 5 km back and forth, so a little bit over a Swedish mile (10 km). I had a tempo at 5 min/km, the best average speed so far. The time was 53min. 1h 45min if I would hold that tempo in Göteborgsvarvet. About 4,5min/km was my average speed when I got my best time in Göteborgsvarvet so far.
I have a bit to get there. The whole April is left and half of May.
I'm still sore in the lower part of my calf after the run.

It has been a relaxing day. Saw AIK eliminated HV71 in the ice hockey playoff. Four straight games.

I will have my last seminar before my first exam tomorrow. It's about politics, power and gender. A lot of focus on gender and feminism. Not my favorite subject to be honest. I'm for gender equality, but sometimes I feel the debate goes far long. The wage shouldn't differ because of gender. Only after experience and competence.
Well, well...

It will be a long day in Göteborg tomorrow. Seminar, reading and institute. Will be nice. :p

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