It has been a while ago I wrote. One reason is because I haven't been running. Well.. I'm still alive and are enjoying life. Celebrated Christmas, new year, be with family and friends, church activities and spending time with my girlfriend.
I have now run (finally :) ) for the first time this year. 15 km. 1 h, 21 min. The link is if you want to see more details. It was nice to come out and run after a looong break. The evidence was that I was pretty sore in both my legs when I came back to the club house. Sore for 3 days. I plan to run next Thursday as well.
Have stuff to do. Am studying, had a test in law yesterday, have church callings, running, time to spend with family, friends and girlfriend. I like to have stuff going on.
This will just be a short post. Starting small ;)